Creating Conscious Body Practices
Learn the key components of safety, kinesthetic intelligence, and how to create conscious body practices.'s why...
"Safety in Movement & Kinesthetic Intelligence" and "Creating Conscious Body Practices"
Video 1: Safety in Movement & Kinesthetic Intelligence:
The 2 main tools to access the wisdom stored in your body are creating a nervous-system-level sense of safety and understanding/improving your Kinesthetic Intelligence. This class teaches the basics on these 2 key embodied topics.
Video 2: Creating Conscious Body Practices:
When awareness becomes mindfulness and mindfulness becomes embodiment and you can decode your body's sensations with your kinesthetic can create conscious body practices. It's easier than you think!
Then you will be invited into a deeper inquiry as to the best way to put this all into action!
VIDEO: Safety in Movement & Kinesthetic Intelligence
VIDEO: Creating Conscious Body Practices
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